Saturday, August 20, 2016

Top Ten Superhero Movies Of All Time

Superhero films are at their most popular in today's age so I'll dive into what i think are the greatest superhero films of all time.

10. X-Men Days Of Future Past
Now you can go back and fourth between this and X2 for best x-men in my opinion, but x-men days of future past has just as strong of a story as the second one and the action is incredible including one of my favorite character introductions ever with Quicksilver. The only complaint is that Quicksilver wasn't in the movie nearly enough as we all hoped. I get the less is more element but this is a superhero movie it's mostly about having fun watching it. It's a shame the sequel to Days Of Future Past (Apocalypse) was a mess from the very start and it hurt Bryan Singer's perfection with the x-men series.

9. The Avengers
The Avengers was a massive hit as soon as it was released back in 2012. Plain and simple it was a very entertaining and extremely fun movie to watch. There's a reason why The Avengers is considered to be one of the better comic book movie adaptations and that's because of its great action, fun characters, and great direction from Joss Whedon. Do I think it's a little overrated? Yes, but the movie has sort of died down a bit because more comic book movies are getting released every year and The Avengers Age Of Ultron didn't hit as critically well as The Avengers. A lot of comic book lovers have a huge love/hate for the sequel to The Avengers. But plain and simple The Avengers is a very fun action movie. 

8. Kick Ass
I'm a big Matthew Vaughn fan who's filmography includes Layer Cake, X-Men First Class, and Kingsman. But X-Men First Class isn't the best superhero film he's ever made, Kick Ass is a wonderful breath of fresh air when it comes to the superhero film genre because it came to be one of the only Rated R superhero movies ever made, and also Kick Ass is a violent, vulgar, hilarious experience. It's powered by a great performance by Hit-Girl (Chloe Grace Moretz) and extremely funny dialogue and it is a must watch for anyone who enjoys superhero or comedy movies in general.

7. Captain America: Winter Soldier

 Captain America: Winter Soldier has become one of comic book lovers favorite films. Winter Soldier is so much better than the first installment of the captain america franchise. To be honest I still think Winter Soldier is the best one out of the trilogy they have made so far. What an unbelievable pick by Marvel to pick The Russo Brothers to helm the franchise who most people never heard of before the film came out. They got the job done and delivered one of the best Marvel films to date and I am very excited that they are going to direct the next Avengers installment. Winter Soldier stood out because of how good not only the action scenes were but also the narrative, which lacks in a lot of superhero films since a lot of them suffer from a muddle plot, but this film gets it right and introduces a great new character Bucky Barnes.

6. Iron Man
Iron Man started the billionaire dollar franchise and was a bit of a risk as a lot of people didn't know much about Iron Man. It also was a risk when they cast Robert Downey Jr as the lead since he was considered uninsurable, but the movie very much delivered and a lot of the praise went to Downey Jr himself and he was pretty much born to play Iron Man just as Hugh Jackman was born to play Wolverine. Iron Man plain and simple is a very good action movie but again, most of all fun.

5. Guardians Of The Galaxy
Guardians Of The Galaxy hit it hard for both critics and audiences and was considered by many a surprise by how good it actually was. James Gunn who is mostly known for screenwriting credits writes and directs this wonderful comic book adaptation. It's emotional, funny, and clever. The film also holds up to most comic book films because of it's great soundtrack and amazing visuals. This film pretty much got everyone to love Chris Pratt and it proved that he is a leading actor. I am extremely excited for the sequel since Gunn and the whole cast are back and on top of the Kurt Russell has been cast. You will fall in love with this movie just as much as I did plain and simple.

4. The Dark Knight

 Let's all be honest, if Heath Ledger wasn't in this movie the film wouldn't be nearly as strong as most people say it is. This film has its flaws and again it is a bit overrated but its strengths are as good or better than any superhero film ever made. Christopher Nolan who is one of the better filmmakers today created a great Batman trilogy even if it takes itself a little too seriously, The Dark Knight sticks out like a sore thumb for how it's easily the best one in the trilogy. It's carried by the best performance ever in a comic book movie in Heath Ledger and by Christopher Nolan's great camera shots. Let's be a little more honest when the joker isn't on the screen we're not half as invested in the movie as we are when he is around. Nolan uses the less is more method for the joker and it works terrifically. The Dark Knight is a great movie with flaws but its strengths put this movie at number 4.

3. Spiderman 2

This amazing sequel to the also great first installment set new standards for superhero films as terms of a quality narrative, action scenes, and a great villain. Villains in superhero films are actually pretty awful and extremely bland, it's getting more rare for a superhero film to have a truly great villain. Like The Dark Knight, this film includes a great villain Dr. Octopus and it is very well played by the underrated Alfred Molina. Sam Raimi's first two spider man always had a special place for me as it pretty much introduced me to superhero films when I was young. Spider man was a lot of kids favorite superhero and still is, it's a shame the third spider man is downright awful and the Andrew Garfield ones are a complete mess. I really hope they fix spider man because his character deserves better.

2. Deadpool

Deadpool is a HUGE breath of fresh air to the already overly done superhero film genre because Deadpool is the first superhero that isn't actually a superhero. Don't get me wrong he fights crime but Wade Wilson is a vulgar, disgusting man. Deadpool is carried by a great performance from Ryan Reynolds and it is downright the funniest superhero film of all time. I have never had more fun watching a superhero film in my life, I found myself cracking up almost every minute for how funny the film was. It's also very clever as it subtly makes fun of most superhero films because of how alike they all are. Deadpool separates itself for its creativity, characters, and wonderful humor.

1. The Incredibles
The Incredibles simply put is an incredible movie and has always stuck with me in a way I can't explain. It is what The Fantastic Four wants to be but will never even come close. This film is more than just a superhero film but it's also a family drama. Once again, this film gets a boost because of a great villain in Syndrome. It's pretty odd to say that an animated pixar film has a better villain than most superhero films at all. But Brad Bird did an unbelievable job with The Incredibles and we are finally getting the sequel everyone wants even if it's not coming until 2019....


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